The Snow Has Kept Me Productive!

Here are three new pieces!  All adorable, in my humble opinion!

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This sad looking little piece needed a lot of love!  The top was unattached, but no more!  It needed a lot sanding and love but now it just needs a great home!

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I’ve had this piece for a while and have been stumped on what to do with it.  It’s a storage unit but for what…that’s up to you!  Blankets?  Shoes?  Fire wood?  Toys? ANYTHING!

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I didn’t touch the inside, so it’s still all brown wood.  Yes, the snow did provide some inspiration!

The sad little table below was found on the side of the road in Ipswich.  The bottom part of the legs look like they had been chewed on by some animal.

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I ended up cutting off the bottom of all the legs and added new ones.  It’s a low-ish table, but very usable!

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New legs!!  They aren’t PERFECT, but they still look cute!!

What do you do when you have 6 feet of snow in three weeks?

You flip!!

Yes, I’m back!  As you know I took a little break over the holidays.  It was nice to make a little bit of room in my apartment and to not feel like a hoarder for a bit.  I’ve had some pieces waiting to be flipped and since we’ve had so much snow the last three weeks I figured now was a good time to get some pieces done.  Also, I’m not working at the moment so I had to take advantage of being house bound!!  Here’s what I’ve been working on:

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This ugly little dresser is something I’m very proud of.  Not only did it need cleaning up and painting but pieces had to be replaced.  The backside was rotten from water damage so I made a new back for it.  The bottoms of two of the drawers were splitting, falling apart and were unusable, so I had to replace them too.  Do they look perfect?  No. I’m not a furniture repair person and I don’ t have the equipment, space, or tools for perfection but I was able to pull this one off somehow.  Here’s the final result:

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Pretty cute if I do say so myself!

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This piece was something I found at a thrift shop.  It was already some sort of a flip, the iron object used to make the base for a table with a laminate table top added.  The problem was it was top heavy so you couldn’t really put anything on it.  But it was too cool to pass up; I just decided it needed another piece on the bottom to make it stable.

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This is definitely one of favorite pieces ever!!  I love it!!  I’m hoping a Steampunk fan will love and want this piece.  Or anyone interested in ships…or just cool tables!   I still wasn’t sure what the iron part of it was, but last summer I was at another flea market and I came across a couple of old guys who had a couple of them (minus the added table top).  I asked what it was and they sort of chuckled to each to each other and said “You’re too young to remember.’ Yes, they were condescending old coots.  So I said “Well explain to me, I like to learn.”  They said they were used as hot water heater stands.  Assuming it’s true now I know and I feel like I see them everywhere!

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Another cute little table from my friend Gus.

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This hutch piece was probably once attached to some sort of sideboard or kitchen table.  People are always looking for additional storage space, especially in the small apartments up here in the Boston area, so now it can be hung on the wall.

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And here are a couple of small random pieced that didn’t need much work.  The mirror backing had to be replaced (the support not the silver) so once again I managed to do that with my limitations but now it’s safe and secure.  Then I just put a light coat of red paint over it. I liked that you can see the wood grain so I left it.  The chair just needed to be cleaned up, restained and the seat needed to be recovered.  I wish I had two instead of one.  Oh, and yes, it folds up for easy storage!

So that’s what I’ve been up to.  I’m working on more pieces now that I’m getting back into the swing of things, keep checking back!  Spring is coming….so they say!